by Randy Bodkins
Randy Bodkins
I finally got a good shot of a Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Pheucticus ludovicianus). This male was in my yard on 4-29-12. I have been trying to get a good shot at one of these for 3 years; with little success.
April 29th, 2012
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Comments (4)
Pat Brannon
What a great photo, Randy. Finally saw a Rose-breasted GB at our sunflower feeder yesterday in NE Ohio. What are you seeing for warblers in Randolph and N Pocahontas Counties. We'll be bringing our trailer back to East Fork Campground in Durbin soon and hope to do some birding while we are there. Always looking for someone with time on their hands to bird with. Currently admiring the Warblers moving through Magee Marsh area along Lake Erie. Ever been there? Amazing boardwalk at the beach.
Randy Bodkins replied:
The breeding warblers are setteling in and nest building, now. Blackpolls passed through this week.I sure miss north Pocahontas. I haven;t been able to get east of Huttonsville in 3 years,I am hoping to get over there and fish the green drake hatch on the West Fork one evening around Memorial Day.
Thomas Young
Congratulations Randy.Sure is a beauty.
Randy Bodkins replied:
Thanks Thomas, They used to stay here and breed, til they cut all of the trees down around here. Now they just briefly pass through my yard in the Spring and Fall.